In this work, we support experts in the safety domain with safer dismantling of drug labs, by deploying robots for the initial inspection. Being able to act on the discovered environment is key to enabling this (semi-)autonomous inspection, e.g. to open doors or take a closer at suspicious items. Our approach addresses this with a novel environmental representation, the Behavior-Oriented Situational Graph, where we extend on the classical situational graph by merging a perception-driven backbone with prior actionable knowledge via a situational affordance schema. Linking situations to robot behaviors facilitates both autonomous mission planning and situational understanding of the operator. Planning over the graph is easier and faster, since it directly incorporates actionable information, which is critical for online mission systems. Moreover, the representation allows the human operator to seamlessly transition between different levels of autonomy of the robot, from remote control to behavior execution to full autonomous exploration. We test the effectiveness of our approach in a real-world drug lab scenario at a Dutch police training facility using a mobile Spot robot and use the results to iterate on the system design.
@inproceedings{meijer2024situational,title={Situational Graphs for Robotic First Responders: an application to dismantling drug labs},author={Meijer, WJ and Kemmeren, AC and van Bruggen, JM and Haije, T and Fransman, JE and van Mil, JD},booktitle={ICRA'24 Workshop on Field Robotics},year={2024}}
This paper addresses the challenge of scaling Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) to expansive 3D environments. Solving this open problem is especially relevant for robot deployment in many first-responder scenarios, such as search-and-rescue missions that cover vast spaces. The use of LMMs in these settings is currently hampered by the strict context windows that limit the LMM’s input size. We therefore introduce a novel approach that utilizes a datagraph structure, which allows the LMM to iteratively query smaller sections of a large environment. Using the datagraph in conjunction with graph traversal algorithms, we can prioritize the most relevant locations to the query, thereby improving the scalability of 3D scene language tasks. We illustrate the datagraph using 3D scenes, but these can be easily substituted by other dense modalities that represent the environment, such as pointclouds or Gaussian splats. We demonstrate the potential to use the datagraph for two 3D scene language task use cases, in a search-and-rescue mission example.
@inproceedings{meijer2024scaling,title={Scaling 3D Reasoning with LMMs to Large Robot Mission Environments Using Datagraphs},author={Meijer, WJ and Kemmeren, AC and Riemens, EHJ and Fransman, JE and van Bekkum, M and Burghouts, GJ and van Mil, JD},booktitle={RSS'24 Workshop on Semantics for Robotics: From Environment Understanding and Reasoning to Safe Interaction},year={2024}}
Affordance Perception by a Knowledge-Guided Vision-Language Model with Efficient Error Correction
Gertjan Burghouts, Marianne Schaaphok, Michael Bekkum, and 3 more authors
In ICPRAI’24 International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 2024
@inproceedings{burghouts2024affordance,title={Affordance Perception by a Knowledge-Guided Vision-Language Model with Efficient Error Correction},author={Burghouts, Gertjan and Schaaphok, Marianne and van Bekkum, Michael and Meijer, Wouter and Hillerstr{\"o}m, Fieke and van Mil, Jelle},booktitle={ICPRAI'24 International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence},year={2024}}
@inproceedings{kemmeren2024objects,title={Which objects help me to act effectively? Reasoning about physically-grounded affordances},author={Kemmeren, Anne and Burghouts, Gertjan and van Bekkum, Michael and Meijer, Wouter and van Mil, Jelle},booktitle={RSS'24 Workshop on Semantic Reasoning and Goal Understanding in Robotics},year={2024}}
Improved Zero-Shot Object Localization using Contextualized Prompts and Objects in Context
Gertjan J Burghouts, Wouter Meijer, Fieke Hillerström, and 4 more authors
In ICRA2023 Workshop on Pretraining for Robotics (PT4R), 2023
@inproceedings{burghoutsimproved,title={Improved Zero-Shot Object Localization using Contextualized Prompts and Objects in Context},author={Burghouts, Gertjan J and Meijer, Wouter and Hillerstr{\"o}m, Fieke and van Mil, Jelle and van Bekkum, Michael and Schaaphok, Marianne and Ruis, Frank},booktitle={ICRA2023 Workshop on Pretraining for Robotics (PT4R)},year={2023}}
Towards Mobile Robot Deployments with Goal Autonomy in Search-and-Rescue: Discovering Tasks and Constructing Actionable Environment Representations using Situational Affordances
@phdthesis{meijer2022towards,title={Towards Mobile Robot Deployments with Goal Autonomy in Search-and-Rescue: Discovering Tasks and Constructing Actionable Environment Representations using Situational Affordances},author={Meijer, Wouter},year={2022},school={TU Delft}}